Monday, July 1, 2013

Farewell: My missionary's love for his Papa

 Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer has arrived and it has all been a haze. Elder Keaton is serving with all his heart and loves his mission. We have exciting news on the horizon for Landon. However, our hearts are still sad and slightly broken. My dear father, Papa to the grandchildren, passed away.

He had a heart attack on May 30 and was hospitalized. Originally, the doctors did not expect him to survive and we gathered the family. We later received good news that he was recovering. The following two weeks were a roller coaster of hopes and fears but through it all we felt loved. We felt loved by one another, our friends, and particularly by my daddy. More than anything we felt loved by our Savior. His plans are always better than mine and I always like them when I stop crying. :)

One incredible blessing came during the two weeks we were given to say our farewells for this life. We contacted Elder Keaton's mission president and discussed options for Elder Keaton to also express his love. A phone call would have been so hard for all of us! The final decision will be a cherished blessing for generations. Elder Keaton emailed his Papa. It is the most beautiful letter and I was able to read it to my daddy at his bedside. My dad recorded a message in return. Elder Keaton cherishes those words of advice and love and they continue to inspire him on the other side of the world.

My sweet missionary was running fever when he received the news that his grandfather had passed away but he told us it only made him want to work harder. He bundled up and faced the cold weather to share his love and testimony of Jesus Christ.

Elder Keaton's letter embodies his vibrant personality and love for his papa. It is also the best representation of my father for all those who did not know him. I was privileged to speak at my father's funeral and also share Elder Keaton's letter through a strength beyond my own. Families are forever and with a family like mine it already feels like heaven.

Dear Papa,

Hey Papa, it's me, your favorite grandson on a mission! Keaton! I got a call from my mission president telling me about your situation and he gave me special permission to come write you a letter. I guess that means you are his favorite out of all my relatives. ;) Anyway, I just wanted to say, "Welcome to the work!" For three days after this life the Savior went and did missionary work in the Spirit World, and I know that work is still being continued there today. So, I wanted to be the first to welcome you into the field where we sow seeds and harvest fruit nonstop through every season. And might I add that the pay is infinite and eternal :) and you don't even have to pay taxes on it! It is the best work there is. It is hard, it is fun, it makes you both happy and sad, it is rewarding . . . I guess to sum it all up the work is love. It is charity. I can't wait for you to continue to be a part of it soon, whether that means recovering and assisting the ward or furthering the work in the Spirit World. Wherever you'll be serving next just remember that I'm here doing the work with you.

I'm striving to be diligent, obedient, and faithful just like you. I'm not a spiritual giant, I'm actually quite weak and make big mistakes often, but despite all of this our Heavenly Father has blessed me with a much greater testimony of the Plan of Salvation. I have come to understand it a little bit more since coming on a mission and teaching it. And, despite it being one of the hardest lessons to teach, it has become my favorite. I know it is true. It blows my mind to think that some people only think we are born, we live, then we die. If only they knew how small those threes steps are. If only they knew what Heavenly Father has planned. But, even if they don't understand it, at least we do! The Lord gives us this knowledge because He trusts us to share it with others. So, like I said before, welcome to Heavenly Father's elite workforce. :) I'm sure you'll find the benefits of working for Him quite "eye opening." :)

You'll also be pleased to hear that we should be having three more baptisms here next week. These baptisms wouldn't be possible if you hadn't joined the Gospel and raised my mom in it so that she could raise me in it. In other words you, without you making that right choice I wouldn't have gotten to come share the gospel with them. So thank you for that. How great shall be your joy in the Father's Kingdom for being the means for so many souls to be saved. :)

You're such a great example and I hope to be able to be like you one day! Have you noticed how much you shaped me? I remember when you first asked me to come on a speaking assignment with you to the Jennings Branch. I didn't want to go! I was terrified! But you made me go and I am so grateful for that. You helped me learn to speak, and now I get to use that talent to bless others for the rest of my life. You told me how good I was at speaking before I even became good at it, you encouraged me! You made me feel special and gave me hope that one day I could become good at speaking. Look at me now! Look how much I have become because of what you did for me. I know I'm not a perfect speaker or teacher, and I'm definitely not full of complete confidence yet, but I can do it now and that is enough. It's more than enough, it's wonderful. :)

I also remember my last times spent with you before I left. I remember you showing me your car one night, before most of the family even knew you had it. You told my dad and I all about the car and I was a little more than star struck as I sat in that beautiful red car. Then you surprised me when you turned to my dad and asked him if he would take me for a ride in it right then. Riding in your car was so much fun, I loved it, and I am grateful for that experience. But what I am more grateful for is the lesson you taught me that night. You taught me kindness and generosity. When you willingly shared what I esteemed to be your favorite worldly possession with me, even if it was just for a few minutes, I felt pretty special. I felt that you cared about me because you acted as though you didn't care about the car. You acted as though you simply wanted to USE the car to bring joy to me. That taught me a valuable lesson that I will remember long after the car is gone.

Then, shortly after that I remember how you ever so proudly sent me off on my mission. :) I now seek to be as charitable as you and share all that I have, and especially share myself, with others. I seek to love people more than things just like you do. I love you Papa. I'm sorry I can't be there to tell you that right now, but I do know that we are both where the Lord would have us be right now. I know this gospel is true. And it doesn't end here, not yet. So let's work together with smiles on our faces until the time comes that our Heavenly Father calls us in and says that the work is finished. If we do this then I know the Savior will fulfill His promises to us and we shall receive the ultimate reward together. I love you so much. Thank you for always remembering me. I haven't forgotten you either.
Papa, guess what . . . I am so proud of you :) always remember that. And also remember this, I love you. :)

With All of My Love, Your Grandson,
Elder Keaton Moore

My dynamic duo chose to work on their separate Eagle Scout projects at the same time. They also insisted on a joint Court of Honor. My dad was a Veteran and we were so honored when he presented each of the boys a US flag that had flown over the US Capital Building . . . of course on the same day. These boys cherish those special flags and largely because of the hero that presented them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this was so wonderful to read. I have had it opened on my desktop waiting for just the right quiet moment to read it all. I just had a nice happy uplifting cry and I am so glad you shared this with the world. Thank you!
