Monday, July 1, 2013

The very expensive but totally worth it letter!

A fabulous old-fashioned letter through the mail . . . Par Avion Air!

Elder Keaton fact: He is tight with his money! This must have pained him to no end to spend $2.40 to mail a letter! For future reference, anyone receiving a snail mail letter from this boy will know they are special. :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dear Wonderful Mom, Dad, Nolan, Landon, and India!

All is well here in beautiful NZ! We are planning to baptize and entire family this weekend! Imagine that, my very first convert baptism is going to be a family. We can't take any credit for this though, the Lord has worked so many miracles for this to be happening. When we first got here the dad told us straight up that he wasn't going to be baptized and that he only went to church for his kids. But since then we have seen the spirit slowly but surely working on him till the point now where he is going to get married to his partner and baptized this Saturday. In order for this to actually happen we are going to need a few more miracles though, which I have faith that the Lord will bless us with. It was a miracle that the partner even agreed to get married and then another miracle for the dad, Manu, to let the kids get baptized while they are still young. {Other miracles also occurred that were more personal for their family.} Now, we need another incredibly mighty miracle for him to quit smoking before Saturday since he has been smoking since he was a little kid and probably smokes 20-30ish a day and he has a very difficult time giving it up. But, the Lord can do all things and surely after all He has done He will continue to help Manu. We also need one more miracle for the Nan to let the three cousins be baptized because she is now saying they are too young. The Nan is a less-active member herself, but she still is not willing to let the three cousins, who are in her custody, get baptized. She doesn't think they are ready, but we know they are definitely more than ready. If the Lord wants this family to get baptized this Saturday then it will happen because we are doing absolutely everything we can to make it happen.

It is amazing how much this Gospel is blessing this family's lives. The difference between where the kids would be in five years and where they now will be is absolutely incredible. This Gospel truly does bless families.

On another note, as of yesterday I have been in the field for a full month now! Pretty cool, huh? Yep, it sure is. And, I have already gotten to fix three flat tires on my bike. And, I can do 75 push ups as opposed to 35. All that change in just one month!

As for a funny story, during the Sunday morning session of Conference a man's chair broke underneath him because it couldn't take the weight of so many big people any more. Although that's the first time I have actually seen a chair break it is not the first broken chair I have seen. I made up a joke too!
Q: "What do you call a celebrity under the sea??" A: "A Star Fish!" Haha I bet nobody saw that one coming. hahaha

I hope you are having a wonderful time back in Texas, especially with that new boat! I'm having a great time here in NZ. I love you so much and am grateful for all of your amazing examples. Also . . . I'm proud of y'all! Y'all are all amazingly fantastic!

I love y'all all the mostest!

Love, the mostest,
Elder Moore

P.S. Letters cost $2.40 to send each! Absolutely ridiculous, I know.

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