Friday, May 17, 2013

Airport Scene

You likely already know how emotional a mom can be and this mom is at the top of her game. There are no words to describe my relationship with Keaton (and each of my children). I cannot adequately tell you how much I love him. How truly good he has always been. Or how much I will miss him and the number of tears I will yet shed. He is a golden child. I have four of them and I never even deserved it.
I trust that you will believe me. I LOVE THAT BOY.

Many parents are happy to see their children grow up and leave on missions because they've been little rascals and the parents are ready for a break! That makes sense to me. Oddly, I have never experienced it and saying farewell is incredibly hard.

In all honesty, I enjoyed every stage my children went through and as they continue to get older it just seems to get better. Alas, before I paint and exaggerated rosy picture, life hasn't been perfect. There have been rough days. I've just loved all of it. The days were never rougher than that for which the happy moments could compensate.

Hopefully someday soon I will be ready to share some of the tear inducing moments before Keaton left. I also hope to bring one of his ideas to reality but it still kind of makes me cry so I will not be doing it today. :)

I am happy! I definitely feel I should state that. I wouldn't have him anywhere else! He loves his mission and the people.
For now, enjoy his airport scene!

Elder Keaton J. Moore

It was a huge blessing to have all of our children and family together for the trip to the airport.

Keaton was also blessed with amazing friends who have been by his side throughout his life and have shared in many adventures.

Naturally, many aunts, uncles, and cousins were not able to be in town but were so kind to send texts and video farewell messages as we waited at the airport.

Too much rock for one hand!! This boy was so excited! Our darling little airport is small and it was still all fun since the security checkpoint had yet to open.

It got a little harder when that gate opened and reality began to set in.

"Too much rock for one hand" right back at you! Keaton and Jay are going to miss each other so much!

 India didn't want us to see all the tears. She was watching a little piece of her heart fly away. 

The adventure begins! I miss him incredibly. It's worth the price to experience this adventure with him.

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