Saturday, May 18, 2013

March 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

     Since I am emailing you guys from the future I thought y'all might like to know that it is a beautiful Tuesday and you're going to love it. Blue skies, sunny, hardly any clouds, it's just very nice. It's actually only rained once since I got here and that was on my first Sunday here. They said we're in a drought right now because it hasn't rained for a month and the grass is all a little brown. However, the temple grounds are still absolutely beautiful and green. Tomorrow morning at 7:30 over 20 of us will be picked up and taken to the Auckland mission. Also, to make the new mission I heard they will be splitting the Auckland mission but leaving Wellington as it is. I also heard this will be done around June. I can't remember if I told y'all this but we are the very first missionaries from North America ever to come to this MTC, and I am the very first from Texas. We have also determined that I am the youngest looking missionary in the MTC right now, so while I'm definitely not the smallest my baby face keeps me looking like a kid which is funny. I still can't get over how Jay is going to Uganda, it's driving me crazy.
     My scriptures still haven't  turned up, but the MTC presidency is till convinced they will turn up eventually. It can be kind of annoying how people think theft could never be the case because this is the MTC (they think this is a mystery) but we've caught some of the Samoans committing theft on another occasion. They only stole a chocolate bar from one of my roommates, but it can still be annoying. I'm not upset about it though, I have scriptures and the Lord has blessed me not to get hung up on it I guess. I think the scriptures I bought are of the same quality, but since I lost my case as well I bought the kind with the snap button. If my scriptures aren't found and sent to me within the next couple of weeks I'll probably ask for another engraved set with a case, but don't buy them yet in case they find mine. My companion, Elder Vaiomo'unga, doesn't have his visa to Vanuatu yet so he has to go serve in Tonga for a few weeks, so this morning I gave him my neck pillow for his flights. I won't be flying again for awhile and it was taking up space, and he appreciated it. (he doesn't have many things as it is) and I also gave him on of the journals I got for my birthday. I brought at least three journals and he only has one which he was only using for his companions and other missionaries to write things in. He really appreciate the journal and has thanked me multiple times for it. He said that when friends give things to Tongans they never throw it away, even if it is a shirt that they have out grown they will still be saving it ten years later. I assured him that he doesn't have to save the pillow, but he assured me that he would because he appreciates it and wants to remember me by it. I have a pretty awesome companion. I really hope that my trainer is as awesome and easy to get along with as Elder Vai.
     I really don't know what all to tell y'all right now, it seems like I forget things when it comes time to email. Oh yeah, Elder Talia, my roommate whose house is literally right outside our window, said that the missionaries in Auckland get to email as long as they want on Pday, so I should have more time to email after this. Missionaries here also only get fed four nights a week by the members according to mission rules, and the meal must be eaten between 5 and 6 otherwise they have to decline the appointment. I'm going to try to send some pictures after this, I hope it works. And I haven't been able to take a picture every day because cameras are against the ruled here except for on Pday, but I've taken plenty of pictures when I've gotten the chance. It's good that you are trying to use members to help with the work because we spent all day yesterday learning about how members are key to missionary work and how they are the best way. Gordon B. Hinckley talked about that. It is so much more fun watching The District and other church videos with a room full of missionaries because they laugh and it's just fun. I love you guys so much and hope y'all have a great week. Always help the missionaries when they need it because I'm sure I'll be mooching off members a lot to. I'll email again soon! Bye :)

Elder Moore's MTC district (The three elders in the back, center are on a table but the elder on the back far right is Elder Brown and he really is tall!)

The view from his room 

Love the open window

Drive to the temple

Playing rugby on the hill

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