Friday, May 17, 2013

Letter: Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

    This is my last Sunday here in the MTC, in fact I'll be heading into the field on Tuesday. I wasn't here in the MTC very long, I think I will have only been here for 12 days once I leave, but in a way I am ready to leave. I'm just ready to start doing the real thing instead of always studying and role playing. I love the MTC though. I especially love my companion, my roommates and my district. I've already mentioned to you a little about my companion, Elder Vaiomo'unga, but the best way to sum him up is by quoting Elder Talia when he said, "Elder Vaiomo'unga is literally the most humble Tongan I have ever met." Elder Vai doesn't speak perfect English either, but he still speaks well and people understand him just find. One of my roommates is Elder Christie and he is the elder here from Alberta, Canada. Elder Christie has the loudest laugh I've ever heard. His laugh is literally the definition of a "booming laugh." Everybody here knows Christie, and they know him for two reasons. For his laugh, and for how much he eats. He's not very tall and he's not fat, he's stout and boy can he eat. He eats the most, by far, out of everyone in this MTC. And, keep in mind we have some pretty Polynesian guys here. Elder Talia is Samoan but he's from here in Auckland. His house is literally just right outside our room window, every night he just looks out the window and says, "Goodnight, mom." Talia is just like Elder Kaufusi when it comes to personality. He's one of those really fun guys. He's also a sniper in the NZ army. I am definitely the youngest in our room with Vaiomo'unga being 21, Christie being 22, and Talia being 20. We think we also have the most culturally diverse room since we have an American/Texan, a Canadian, a Samoan/New Zealander, and a Tongan. I think all the other rooms have at least two people from the same country. We love our room because we all get along so well. Talia says Christie is the dad, Vai is the mom, he is the big brother, and I am the baby.
      We have also determined that I am the youngest looking person in the MTC, I even lost to Elder Larson. So while I am definitely not the smallest, I have the worst baby face. In one of the talks during sacrament meeting today and elder shared a story about faith. Am man once hired a boy to row him across the lake. As the boy rowed, the man noticed the letter "f" painted on the handle of one oar, and on the otehr he saw a "w." He inquired of the boy the meaning of the letters and the boys said that they stood for "faith" and "works." Of you want to got straight it is required that you row with both Faith and Works. I thought that was a good story to use for a lesson over faith. My favorite video we watched was a recorded devotional given by Elder David A. Bednar to the Provo MTC about following promptings from the Spirit. He also talked about telling promptings apart from our own good thoughts. His advice was a resounding, "Quit worrying about it!" All good thoughts come from God. Try to find that video because it is a great one for FHE. (Family Home Evening) Also, I mentioned that I love my district. We have so much fun together and have had many good laughs. I wish I had enough time to write about all our good times together but I  write so slow and have so little time. I can't even write about all of it in my journal. Hopefully, I'll be able to write down some of the best times we had later fro y'all to read. It's time for a meeting so I can't write anymore this time, but I'll write again soon. I love y'all! 'Ofa Atu!
All my love,
Elder Moore
P.S. In Tongan, mom is Fa'e and dad is Tamai :)

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