Friday, May 17, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I don't have long to email, only thirty minutes here in the MTC so it's kind of hard to read anything super long. Hopefully I will have more time in the field. They are cutting my time down to 20 minutes today because everything else rain late and didn't work out right. This week during our exercise time I have been playing touch rugby out on top of the hill outside and it is a lot of fun. Most missionaries go across the street to the church meetinghouse to play basketball and volleyball, but my companion and I prefer touch rugby. Today we went to the temple and it was amazing to be able to do two sessions. The endowment room and chapel are much larger than the ones at Houston, at least twice the size. But they only have one of each room instead of two endowment rooms. The grounds are absolutely beautiful. They have huge palm trees that I know y'all would love. The 1.5 hour drive to the temple is gorgeous. Lots of hills, just everywhere  for the most part with large mountain like hills out in the distance. Even the farms are on hills, which is really neat. I can't wait for y'all to get to see it all one day. Not all of the accents here sound like the movies, but some definitely do. And I got a picture with Johnny Lingo! Elder Talia (roommate), his uncle works here and looks just like Johnny Lingo, so I took a picture with him today. He sounds like Lingo  too. Also, turns out being robbed isn't very cool. Someone took my scriptures on Sunday and we haven't been able to find them, so I had to spend 50 dollars on a new quad today. The debit card does not work here though, only the credit card. I love you guys and I do miss y'all. I sent a letter on Sunday, hopefully it will arrive soon. 'Ofa atu! (I love you) I don't know when I will email next since Wednesday I go to my mission. I'll email within a week or two. I love you!
Elder Moore

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