Thursday, May 9, 2013

In the beginning . . .

23-years ago, I was just your typical girl wanting a house full of kids. ;)

Seriously, I've alway been a-typical . . . I actually did want a house full!

Life happens and we get what we get and we don't pitch a fit. Eventually we discovered that our house full would be contained to the smallish sounding number of 4 children. 23-years later, I've learned that 4 is a bigger number than I originally thought. :)

More might have been fun but we've borrowed and shared enough extra kids to help me get my fill through the years and my passion for life still lies in these 4 . . .

(Some battles are never worth fighting. Such was the case with Landon and church shoes. He was smiling and we all lived!)

The natural course of life left us with a few heartbreaks and three and a half years seperating our oldest two sons. History does repeat itself and we also found ourselves with three and half years seperating our last two children.
This blog might be a little different if life followed a pattern. Life, instead, has a sense of humor.
Keaton and Landon were born 20 months close. (20-months "apart" just doesn't describe this situation.)

Their perfect timing created a lovely adventure!

All four of the kids have always been so close. That has been a HUGE blessing!
These two boys though just have a special bond.

Even at birth there was something totally different.
They both weighed 7 lbs. 7 ozs.
They were both 19 1/2" long.
They both had a head full of dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Even the doctor thought he had delivered the same baby twice!

The color of their hair faded but their blue eyes remained. The years have flown by and so have their adventures . . .

They always had a surprise waiting for me

Other times, they were willing to try my surprises

 They were examples for each other.

Keaton and Landon chose to work on the their individual Eagle Scout projects at the same time,

acquire their Red Cross life-guarding certification at the same time, 

and do anything they could to make us all laugh

Life has never been boring with these four kids and I couldn't be happier!

They have changed our lives and will change the world. As their mother, it has been a privilege to witness and I hope this blog will help you see life through their eyes. It's an amazing and exciting view! 

Keaton and Landon are preparing for world wide adventures as missionaries and this is a front row seat.

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